Astrophel and Stella. Sir Philip Sidney. 1580/84. Poetry. Sonnet sequence. "Stella" = Penelope Devereux. Astrophel ("star lover") Greek pun on Sidney's name.Essays. Michel de Montaigne. French. 1580/88. Created the personal, discursive essay. Spirited conversation. From classic stoic to skeptic to affirmation of the possibilities of human nature. Used his own experience to glean lessons Turned attention from academic learning and intellectual theorizing to man himself.
"Apology for Raymond Sebond." Michel de Montaigne. French. 1580/88. Essay. Fullest expression of his skeptical philosophy. He asserts the relativity of knowledge. He reacts to the excessive faith in reason of the early Renaissance. Prepared him to search for wisdom based not on intellectual speculation but on his own experience.
1581. Scholars attending commencement exercises at St. Mary's, Oxford, June 27, find on their benches 400 copies of a pamphlet attacking the Anglican Church. Authorities seize English Jesuit Edmund Campion, 41, as he preaches at Lyford, Berkshire, July 14. He is committed to the Tower of London, examined in the presence of the queen, placed on the rack three times in an effort to shake his faith in Roman Catholicism, indicted for conspiring to dethrone Elizabeth, found guilty November 20, hanged, December 1, drawn and quartered.1582. Divers Voyages Touching the Discovery of America by Oxford clergyman-geographer Richard Hakluyt, 30, is published in England.
Bradamante. Robert Garnier. French. 1582. Play. Combat between the knight Roger and the warrior-maiden Bradamante. Roger's dilemma is in choosing between love and duty.Society
1584. The Virginia Colony planted on Roanoke Island by English navigator Walter Raleigh, 32, is named for England's virgin queen.Literature
The Spanish Tragedy. Thomas Kyd. British. 1584/89. Play. Revenge. Spanish vs. Portuguese. Lures maidens into parts in a play and kills them.Society
1586. A plot to assassinate England's queen is discovered. Anthony Babbington, 25, a page to Mary Queen of Scots, has conspired with Jesuit priest John Ballard, who is executed along with Babbington. Mary is convicted, October 25, of involvement in the scheme, and her life hangs in the balance.1587. Mary Queen of Scots is beheaded, February 8, by order of her cousin Elizabeth who has been persuaded that Mary Stuart's existence poses a continuing threat to the Protestant crown of England.
1587. Virginia Dare is born August 18 on Roanoke Island to the daughter of John White and is the first English child to be born in North America.
Tamburlaine the Great. Christopher Marlowe. British. 1587. Play. Shepherd becomes bandit and finally king of Persia. In Part I, Tamberlaine is the embodiment of the Renaissance, bold, defiant, eager to explore the possibilities of life. In Part II, his lust for power and his cruelty end in ruin.
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