Friday, June 15, 2007

List of Literary Works: 1600 to 1699

List of Literary Works, 1600 to 1699

Twelfth Night; or What You Will. Shakespeare. 1600.
England's Helicon. Anon. 1600.
The Phoenix and the Turtle. Shakespeare. 1601.
Troilus and Cressida. Shakespeare. 1601.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Shakespeare. 1601.
The Poetaster. Ben Jonson. 1601.
All's Well That Ends Well. Shakespeare. 1602.
A Woman killed with Kindness. Thomas Heywood. 1603.
Othello, the Moor of Venice. Shakespeare. 1604.
The Dutch Courtezan. John Marston. 1604.
Bussy D'Ambois. George Chapman. 1604.
Measure for Measure. Shakespeare. 1604.
The Honest Whore, Parts I and II. Thomas Dekker. 1604/05.
King Lear. Shakespeare. 1605.
The Advnacement of Learning. Francis Bacon. 1605.
Don Quixote. Cervantes. 1605/15.
Volpone, or The Fox. Ben Jonson. 1606.
Macbeth. Shakespeare. 1606.
A Trick to Catch the Old One. Thomas Middleton. 1606.
Timon of Athens. Shakespeare. 1607.
Antony and Cleopatra. Shakespeare. 1607.
The Revenger's Tragedy. Cyril Tourneur. 1607.
The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Francis Beaumont. 1607.
Tyre and Sidon. Jean de Schelander. 1608.
The Tragedy of Coriolanus. Shakespeare. 1608.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Shakespeare. 1608.
Epicene, or The Silent Woman. Ben Jonson. 1609.
Philaster, or Love Lies A-Bleeding. Beaumont and fletcher. 1609.
The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Pub. 1609.
Cymbeline. Shakespeare. 1610.
The Alchemist. Ben Jonson. 1610.
The Tempest. Shakespeare. 1611.
The Anniversaries: An Anatomy of the World. John Donne. 1611.
The Winter's Tale. Shakespeare. 1611.
The Anniversaries: Of the Progresse of the Soule. John Donne. 1612.
El Alcald de Zalamea. Calderon. 1640.
Horace. Corneille. 1640.
Bay Psalm Book. Richard Mather, et al. 1641.
The White Devil, or Victoria Corombona. John Webster. 1612.
TheFamous History of the Life of King Henry VIII. Shakespeare. 1613.
Novelas Ejemplares (Exemplary Novels). Cervantes. 1613.
Fuentevejuna. Lope de Vega. 1619.
Novum Organum. Francis Bacon. 1620.
El mejor alcalde el rey (The King, the Greatest Alcalde). Lpe de Vega. 1620/23.
The Anatomy of Melancholy. Robert Burton. 1621.
The Wild Goose Chase. John Fletcher. 1621.
Mourt's Relation. 1622.
The Changeling. Middleton and Rowley. 1623.
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. John Donne. 1624.
A New Way to Pay Old Debts. Philip Massinger. 1625.
The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral. Francis Bacon. 1625.
'Tis Pity She's a Whore. John Ford. 1627.
Los Suenas. Francisco de Quevedo. 1627.
The New Atlantis. Francis Bacon. 1627.
El Medico de su honra (The Physician of His Own Honor). Calderon. 1729.
Libertine of Seville and the Stone Guest (Don Juan). Tirso de Molina. 1630.
La Dorotea. Lope de Vega. 1632.
"Il Penseroso." Milton. 1632.
"The Canonization." John Donne. 1633.
"The Collar." Geroge Herbert. 1633.
The Temple. George Herbert. 1633.
"Go and Catch a Falling Star." John Donne. 1633.
"Twicknam Garden." John Donne. 1633.
The Two Noble Kinsmen. John fletcher. 1634.
Comus. Milton. 1634.
Medee (Medea). Corneille. 1635.
The Lady of Pleasure. James Shirely. 1635.
Life Is a Dream. Calderon. 1636.
Le Cid. Corneille. 1637.
The Wonder-Working Magician. Calderon. 1637.
Cinna. Corneille. 1640. Annus Mirabilis. Dryden. 1667.
Simplicissimus. Hans Grimmelhausen. 1668.
Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Dryden. 1668.
L'Avare (The Miser). Moliere. 1668.
Polyeucte. Corneille. 1641.
The Body of Liberties. Nathaniel Ward, et al. 1641.
Religio Medici (A Doctor's Religion). Sir Thomas Browne. 1643.
The Bloudy Tenent. Roger Williams. 1644.
Vulgar Errors. Sir Thomas Browne. 1646.
"Wishes to His Supposed Mistress." Richard Crashaw. 1646.
The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. Nathaniel Ward. 1647.
"The Virgins, To Make Much of Time." Robert Herrick. 1648.
"Delight in Disorder." Robert Herrick. 1648.
"Corinna's Going A-Maying." Robert Herrick. 1648.
"To Althea from Prison." Richard Lovelace. 1649.
"An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland." Andrew Marvell. 1650.
The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America. Anne Bradstreet. 1650.
"To His coy Mistress." Andrew Marvell. 1650.
Holy Living and Dying. Jeremy Taylor.
Leviathan, or the Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil. Thomas Hobbes. 1651.
El Gran Teatro del Mundo. Calderon. 1651?
The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Izaac Walton. 1653.
Histoire Romaine Clelie. Madame de Scudery. 1654/60.
Areopagitica. Milton. 1655.
"Hydriotaphia, or Urn Burial." Sir Thomas Browne. 1658.
The Ridiculous Snobs. Moliere. 1659.
The School for Wives. Moliere. 1662.
The Day of Doom. Michael Wigglesworth. 1662.
Hudibras. Samuel Butler. 1664/78.
Tartuffe. Moliere. 1664.
Don Juan or the Stone Guest. Moliere. 1665.
Le Misanthrope. Moliere. 1666.
Le Medecin Malgre lui (The Doctor in Spite of Himself). Moliere. 1666.
Paradise Lost. Milton. 1667.
Andromaque. Racine. 1667.
Selected Fables, Set in Verse. Jean de Lafontaine. 1668/94.
Britannicus. Racine. 1669.
Pensées. Pascal. 1672.
Tite et Berenice. Corneille. 1670.
Berenice. Racine. 1670.
Samson Agonistes. Milton. 1671.
Bajazet. Racine. 1672.
The Imaginary Invalid. Moliere. 1673.
Mithridate. Racine. 1673.
The Lectern. Boileau. 1674/83.
The Country Wife. Wycherley. 1675.
The Man of Mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter. Etherege. 1676.
Phedre. Racine. 1677.
All for Love, or The World Well Lost. Dryden. 1678.
La Princesse de Cleves. Comtesse de la Fayette. 1678.
Iphigenie en Aulide. Racine. 1679.
"The Garden." Marvell. 1681.
"The Definition of Love." Marvell. 1681.
Absalom and Achitophel. Dryden. 1681.
Venice Preserved, or a Plot Discovered. Thomas Otway. 1682.
MacFlecknoe. Dryden. 1682.
The Medal. Dryden. 1682.
Religio Laici. Dryden. 1682.
An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences. Increase Mather. 1684.
"God's Determination Touching His Elect." Edward Taylor. 1685.
The Hind and the Panther. Dryden. 1687.
Principia. Sir Isaac Newton. 1687.
"Lillibulero." Purcell and Wharton. 1688.
Esther. Racine. 1689.
Declaration of Rights. William and Mary. 1689.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. John Locke. 1690.
Athalie. Racine. 1691.
Love for Love. William Congreve. 1695.
Contes de ma mere l'Oye (Mother Goose Tales). 1697. Charles Perrault: "Puss-in-Boots"; "Little Red Riding Hood"; "Tom Thumb"; "Bluebeard"; "Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper."
Telemaque. Francois Fenelon. 1699.

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